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Thursday, July 23, 2015

God's Call: Just a few questions that may help.

Read a good book recently:

 Answering the Call: The Doctor Who Made Africa His Life.

From “The One-Talent People.” Christian Herald. Sept 1949. P. 64  
“Always keep your eyes open for the little task, because it is the little task that is important to Jesus Christ.  The future of the Kingdom of God does not depend on the enthusiasm of this or that powerful person; those great ones are necessary too, but it is equally necessary to have a great number of little people who will do a little thing in the service of Christ.” 

            “The great flowing rivers represent only a small part of all the water that is necessary to nourish and sustain the earth. Beside the flowing river there is the water in the earth-the subterranean water-and there are the little streams which continually enter the river and feed it and prevent it from sinking into the earth. Without these other waters-the silent hidden subterranean waters and the trickling streams-the great river could no longer flow. Thus it is with the little tasks to be fulfilled by us all.” 
Just a few questions you may want to ask yourself

What is God calling me to do?  Have I asked Him?

What is my passion?  My Spouse’s

Where do the world’s needs and my passion intersect?

Have I taken the ONLINE SHAPE Assessment at Eastbrook Church?

Have I taken the FREE Strengths Test?

Have I taken the Strengthsfinder 2.0 Assessment to see what my “strengths” are?

What are my dreams?

What can we do?  (Add spouse’s name if married)

How am I spending my time?

What is important to me? What are my interests?

What can I do that will outlive me?

What experiences have I had that may give me a clue to the above?

Am I a good steward of my Spiritual gifts, talents, time, abilities, etc.?
   Am I using them in my church? Why not?

What would I do if I had a million dollars or more?

Do I have enough information or do I have info overload?

Who do I need to contact, email, call?

Do I need some more training in some area?
Have I prayed about this?

Are these the correct questions to ask myself? And my spouse if married?

Some excerpts from:  God’s Best for My Life by Lloyd John Ogilvie 

“What are we daring to attempt which could not be accomplished without His strength and intervention? So often we plan our lives around what we could do without Him on our own.  A sure sign that we are in communion with the Lord is that we are attempting what only He can do? Can you identify that in your life?”

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