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Thursday, January 28, 2016

How much progress is the "Church" making in reaching "Unreached People Groups"?

The  "Least reached " or"unreached"  people of the world:

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To give you a glimpse of how the church is doing in the role of sending, check out these numbers on the income and spending of the Church worldwide.
  • Global Income of Christians in US Dollars: $42 Trillion
  • Given to Christian Causes (2% of total income) $700 Billion
  • Given to Foreign Missions (only 6% of the 2% giving to Christian causes) $45 bill.
  • Of all the Money Given to Foreign Missions:
    • 87% goes for work among those already Christian.
    • 12% goes for work among already evangelized non-Christians.
    • 1% goes for work among people groups in the Unevangelized or Unreached category ($450 Million)
(Taken from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

If this is the first time you have come to this BLOG, you might want to take a quick look at my latest TWEETS...showing what Christian mission groups are doing around the world.

That means that for every dollar earned by a Christian 1/100,000th goes to the unreached. 
Do you think that the Lord’s resources are being used strategically?
 If 88% of the World’s unreached peoples live in the 10/40 Window and so little money goes to the work there, what will it take to complete the Great Commission?

This info taken from this blog site: 

Help us educate your friends on who the least reached peoples of the world are by retweeting this post.

 "Unreached" How some churches and mission groups are using the term "Unreached" incorrectly and thereby hindering the spread of the Gospel. 

  A few of my favorite non profits that are reaching "Unreached People Groups"

The Biblical Basis of Missions

 My latest TWEETS