.Mario Cordoba, Baja Mission Administrator, has been attending an AMO conference
in Mexico City this week. We are thankful our leadership has
opportunities like this to learn about Christian education and how we
can raise up godly children.
.Thanks to generous donors we now have 60 new hard drives for the Baja Mission. Kevin Witt,
in charge of computers at the Mission, had expressed a need for 30 new
computers and God answered that request in abundance and doubled the
amount we were asking for.
.Some boys, girls and staff members from the Oaxaca Mission had a wet, fun and wonderful start to their spring break with a three day camping trip
to a water park. We are thankful for donors and friends of FFHM for
making such excursions possible. We also thank God for keeping everyone
safe and sound.
morning devotions at camp
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. Janelle Keller, Executive Director, and her brother John, a pastor at Northgate Free Methodist Church in Batavia, NY, are currently visiting the Oaxaca Mission.
John is doing a retreat day for the staff and getting to know one of
the children he and his wife have sponsored for several years. Please
pray this visit is encouraging for everyone involved.
John Keller
. Cheryl Trevor, who is in charge of outreach at the Baja Mission,
is coming back this week from her maternity leave. Please pray for an
easy transition for her, that God shows her how to balance ministry and
family, and that she has great visions and dreams for outreach in the San Quintin Valley of Baja.
Cheryl and her family
Note:To receive this Praise and Prayer Letter send your e-mail address to info@ffhm.org.
Canadian Donors: All
contributions, including sponsorships and resources, made by Canadian
donors must be made through our Canadian affiliate The Maranatha
Evangelistic Association. You can donate on their website www.meaworld.org. This way you will receive a tax receipt and comply with Canadian regulations for giving to a non-profit.
PO Box 74000 San Clemente, CA 92673