.Charla writes:
Praise God! On Sunday, April 26, First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood Pastor Dan Baumgartner interviewed and honored me and FFHM at the Sunday morning service. Can
you believe this? I, not Chuck, sang a solo acapella as part of the
interview. Since the inception of this historic church they have focused
on global missions.
First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
.In Gatesville, Texas, ten inmates (known as the "Women in White") who completed the "Discipleship Unlimited"
faith based program were released. These women prayed for us and sent
sacrificial gifts. Pray for them as they return to society and establish
their new lives.
Charla ministering in Gatesville
.Thank you for praying for the medical team that went to Sinaloa. They attended to many patients, saw the great need in that area and are already planning a return trip for the fall.
medical outreach in Sinaloa
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.Eleanor Cowpersmith
has faithfully and selflessly served in Mexico for 50 years. A couple
of years ago, she was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Over the
weekend, Eleanor was rushed to the hospital because she was having
seizures. She has returned to the Baja Mission and is resting there.
Please pray for healing.
. We are hoping to begin using the medical clinic at the Baja Mission as a birthing center but still need a few items to make that a reality. Please join us in praying that these things are donated in the near future.
Angelina and Alma, staff at the clinic
. We desperately need houseparents in both Baja and Oaxaca. Please join us in praying that God will call the right people to fill this vital role.
Pedro, a housefather in Oaxaca, with some of his boys
. Please pray for safety for our driver Sean Stephens.
Every week he is driving back and forth from the Baja Mission to the US
office on a dangerous road. We are grateful for the protection he has
had in the years of doing this job and are praying this continues.
. Two of the Baja staff, Graciela and Rosa, went to Sinaloa for outreach activities with the children in the camps to celebrate Children's Day. Please pray for their trip and for there to be much fruit.
children in Sinaloa
Note:To receive this Praise and Prayer Letter send your e-mail address to info@ffhm.org.
Canadian Donors: All
contributions, including sponsorships and resources, made by Canadian
donors must be made through our Canadian affiliate The Maranatha
Evangelistic Association. You can donate on their website www.meaworld.org. This way you will receive a tax receipt and comply with Canadian regulations for giving to a non-profit.
PO Box 74000 San Clemente, CA 92673