We went to The Cove in Asheville, North Carolina with our good friends Ron and Dolores Blust.
The Cove is a Christian Retreat Center in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina.
Ruth Graham prayed The Cove would be a place for
retreat, rest, relaxation, and renewal, a refuge where hospitality is a ministry. Her desire was to create an environment where people can meet with the Lord Jesus personally and privately—and never be the same again. Each year those prayers continue to be answered for tens of thousands of guests.
It was all this and more! Beautiful setting, fantastic food and great teaching!
Will be updating soon with ADDITIONAL insights from The Cove, Samaritan's Purse and The Creation Museum!
Hopefully, Ron & Dolores will give me some of their insights which I will include, so come back in a few days.
At The Cove, Randy Alcorn from Eternal Perspectives Ministries. www.epm.org Spoke on:
Four Central Truths of a Biblical Worldview
Randy Alcorn presentation at The Cove
Oct. 2-4. 2012
Life on earth is a d-o-t.
If begins. It ends. It’s brief.
● L I N E Life in Heaven is an unending line extending from that dot.
We all live in the dot.
If we’re wise, we’ll live for the line.
Live for the LINE
Not the dot.
Four Central Truths of a Biblical Worldview
1. Heaven
2. Suffering
3. Money
4. Grace-Truth
1. Heaven
We were made for Heaven.
How we view the future affects how we live now.
We don't need a "Bucket List".
2nd Peter 3:10 tells us that everything on earth will be destroyed.
V. 13 tells us that we should be looking forward to a new earth!
When we die we will be in the "Presence" of God.
People we prayed for will greet us.
We should be Kingdom minded, storing up treasures in Heaven, not on earth.
As Christians we should think and live differently that non believers.
As we get older we get closer to our "treasures".
How to summarize so much of what Randy said?
1. So much of what we believe about Heaven is unbiblical.
2. "Set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God". (Colossians 3:1
3. Since we'll spend the next lifetime living in Heaven, why do we spend so much of this life thinking about our life here and not spend time preparing for Heaven?
4. So many people think of Heaven as their default destination. It is NOT.
5. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23). So unless our sin problem is resolved, our default destination is Hell.
6. Randy talked about the Present Heaven and the Future Heaven.
7. Spoke about if we will know everything when we get to Heaven.
8. Will we know what is happening on earth.
Randy have a great book HEAVEN. Explains everything we would want to know about Heaven.
2. We encounter suffering
He has reasons we don't understand.
"All things work together for good for them that love God".
God knows what He is doing.
Our Worldview is how we view the world!
Biblical worldview is in accordance with God's word.
Satan is involved, but can't trump God's control.
We are unprepared for suffering!
Scripture promises that we are under His curse.
God doesn't always answer our prayers like we want Him to.
Suffering is NOT because of a particular sin.
God has a higher purpose for our suffering.
Read the last 5 chapters of the book of Job.
God permits what He can use for good.
A Biblical worldview does allow for deep sorrow and real grief.
3. Money
We are stewards of what belongs to God.
We should ask Him what He wants us to do with the money & resources He has given us...and then be content.
We should want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant".
Randy talked about developing a "strategic lifestyle" and how to make a difference in the world.
He talked about debt, budgeting and tithing.
Randy has a great book, MONEY, POSSESSIONS AND ETERNITY.
4. The Grace and Truth Paradox
Grace-We don't deserve it
Grace is the way we live
We should respond with Christlike balance.
We should view everything in light of Grace & Truth...our spouses, children, neighbor.....
In the meantime.....See video below about volunteering at The Chapel at The Cove.