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Monday, February 23, 2009

Paul Polak's new book: Out of Poverty

Out of Poverty, a book everyone should read!

Everything Paul proposes about getting small acreage farmers of 1-5 acres out of poverty is premised on them using DRIP IRRIGATION as a means of growing food to sell at a profit.

Paul's thoughts on poverty.

"I have no doubt that the most important low-cost, high-leverage solution to the complex issue of poverty is helping poor people increase their income."

Paul Pokak states that "early market demand suggests that the global demand for low cost drip systems will reach at least 10 million families, increasing their net annual income by $1 billion a year"

He also states that "there are 8 million or more small-acreage farmers in Africa who use buckets to carry water to their crops from streams or ponds."

Chapin Living Waters has the technology! See their website:
for information on their "BUCKET KITS", now used in over 150 countries.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dr. Williams from New Directions just returned from a 3 week trip to Ghana, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya. This was his annual agriculture trip and in each country either set up or expanded Chapin Living Water's 1/4 Acre Kits. Pictures at

Victor U. Mbalewe, founder and Executive Director of Food Security Network of Nigeria visitied Chapin Living Waters and took back 50 Bucket Kits to get his project started.

House of Hope of Sierra Leone, West Africa. Three bucket kits are on thier way or should have arrived at House of Hope, a new pilot project being started.

More on these 3 new projects can be found at