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Richard Dassow

Prayerfully connecting people of passion with Needs & Resources for Neighborhood, Community & World Transformation. 


 ● Nothing of any eternal significance gets done without collaboration of other people, organizations & prayer! Good to Great in the Social Sectors Concept. Need, Passion & Resources!

● Vision: Connecting people of faith with Mission True produce exponential return on their invested volunteer time and funds.

● Pro Buno Consulting

● Helping people identify their God-given Passions, Spiritual Gifts, Talents, Strengths & Abilities so they can become person God made them to be in order to better communicate God's love to a hurting world and that we each can be most effective in our families, church, community and the world and finish our lives well and leave a legacy that gives glory to the LORD so when we stand before Him one day, we will hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."​ 

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